Making monthly bill payments for multiple loans and credit cards is not only difficult to keep track of, but you are also likely to end up paying more interest over time. One way to reduce how much you pay toward your debt is through debt consolidation. Here are the five best ways to consolidate your …
When you rent a car, there is a good chance that the rental car agency will try to get you to sign up for rental car insurance. The thing is most auto insurance policies and credit cards already cover rental cars. So, is there any benefit to getting rental car insurance? Read on to find …
Buying your first home, or fifth, for that matter, can be an exhilarating experience. But searching for the perfect home is just the first step of the process, especially if you are looking to buy a home on a mortgage. Here are some tips to help you get your mortgage loan application approved faster. Check …
Reducing your expenses to save money isn’t the easiest of things, especially if you have trouble sticking to a budget. So, what if we told you there are certain banking hacks that can help you save more money? Read on to know more. Deposit Checks Online If you make multiple trips to your bank branch …
A personal loan can go a long way in helping you financially. These loans have fixed interest, don’t require collateral, and have a longer loan term, making it easy for you to repay the borrowed amount. That said there are certain pitfalls you’ll need to avoid to ensure you have a good borrowing experience. Let’s …
Investing through a brokerage account can be efficient and easy. However, it will also cost you a pretty penny. If you want to cut out the middleman, i.e., buy stocks without opening a brokerage account, you’ll need to participate in an organization’s direct stock purchase plan (DSP). What Is a Direct Stock Purchase Plan? Companies …
Most people don’t think about their credit score too often until it’s time to apply for a new loan or credit card. However, credit scores take time to improve. So, checking it just before you need to apply for a loan or a credit card will seldom give you the time to take the steps …
Misusing your credit card can land you in serious financial trouble. To use your credit card the right way, it’s important to first understand the basics of credit cards. We’ve listed out 5 important things you need to know You Need to Choose the Right Type of Card There are a number of different types …
For most people, buying a home on a mortgage is one of the biggest investments they will make. Given this, it’s important to look for ways to cut costs on your mortgage. Let’s take a look at 5 important secrets that can help you save a lot of money on your mortgage. Avoid Closing Your …
Life insurance is meant to financially protect your dependents if you happen to pass away. Given this, just buying a life insurance policy won’t cut it. It’s important to also choose an adequate coverage and policy tenure to ensure your dependents aren’t left financially struggling in the future. Here’s how not having enough life insurance …
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