When you spend a few hundred dollars on home insurance, you would expect to receive financial coverage if something goes wrong. However, there is a very real possibility that your insurance provider may deny your claim. This may take you by surprise, especially if you don’t have the savings to cover the expenses. Here’s what you can do:
Check Your Claim
The first thing you should do is check why your claim was denied. Insurance companies are legally required to provide you a reason for denying your claim.
Review Your Policy
Next, you’ll want to review your insurance policy. Make sure to check the coverage limits and understand your rights as a policyholder. Sometimes, claims get denied simply because of filing errors. So, knowing your policy will give you grounds to dispute the denied claim.
Gather Evidence
If you feel your claim was wrongfully denied, you’ll need to file an appeal. Before you can do this, it is important to gather details and evidence to prove your case. So, make sure to take pictures of any damages, record statements from witnesses, collect evidence that indicates you are a responsible homeowner, and document conversations you have with your insurer, among other things.
Request an Independent Appraisal of Your Home
If you are not in agreement with your service provider’s assessment of the extent of damages or the value of your home, you may want to consider requesting an independent appraisal.
File an Appeal
Once you’ve gathered the required evidence, you should file an appeal with your insurance provider. Remember that filing an appeal does not guarantee your claim will be approved.
File a Complaint Against Your Insurance Provider
If nothing positive comes from the appeal you make to your insurer, you can consider filing a complaint with the insurance board in your state. The insurance board will then investigate your claim.
Contact an Attorney
If the insurance company rejects your appeal, consider working with an attorney who can represent you legally.
Keep in mind that you have the right to dispute a denied claim. If you strongly believe that your insurance claim was wrongfully denied, make sure to reach out to your insurance provider immediately.